Fleet Management System(FMS)

Fleet Management System(FMS)

FMS provides an automated mechanism to monitor fleet activities and make decisions about proper vehicle management, dispatch, acquisition and disposal. It helps to ensure that a fleet is meeting compliance requirements, improving efficiencies, and reducing cost of managing vehicles.

Fleet Management System Features

Vehicle Service

As part of its main feature, FMS allow PEs to prepare Vehicle service plan. This feature will enable fleet operators to properly figure out which vehicle should go to go Garaj for inspection based on the service interval standard set in the factory recommendaiton

Vehicle Maintenance

Fleet managers can collect and analyze the diagnostics data to keep every aspect of fleet maintenance under control and act proactively. Once the feature is activated, you get notifications on scheduled checkups and repairs.

Fuel Management

Increased fuel costs are one of the main factors that lead to higher operating expenses of a fleet. Do you know exactly how much fuel costs you? Fuel consumption monitoring allows controlling and optimizing excessive fuel usage from engine idling, fuel stealing, or dangerous driving.

Driver Behavior

A proper fleet management software generates reports to track driver behavior. This way, fleet operators get notified about alarming driving such as speedy acceleration, harsh braking, or high RPM. It gets easier to introduce driver training and implement a safety policy within your fleet with such metrics at hand.


The FMS platform allow users to request transport service online.

Driver Assignment

FMS allow fleet operators to view the status of each vehicles by indicating which vehicles are idle,at field work, at Garaj and which vehicles are out of service. It also makes easier to introduce driver training and implement a safety policy

About FMS

FMS provides an automated mechanism to monitor fleet activities and make decisions about proper vehicle management, dispatch, acquisition and disposal. It helps to ensure that a fleet is meeting compliance requirements, improving efficiencies, and reducing cost of managing vehicles.

Contact Us

FDRE Public Procurement and Property Authority

6 killo In front of Yekatit 12 Referral Hospital

P.O.Box 32387

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Phone: +251-111248617

Fax: +251111248612 / +251111540120

Email: egp.ppa@ppa.gov.et

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